I have a Costco membership for, like, 3 things: giant bottles of Tito’s vodka, family-sized packs of goat cheese that last me (and me alone) about a week, and perfect French baguettes. I am loyal to their baguettes, though they may be a bit fatter than true French baguettes, because the ingredient list reads water, flour, salt, and yeast. Nothing else. Amen. If I was president, I’d ban breads with any other ingredients. Back to those economy sized bottles of vodka. They don’t drink themselves, ya know. Alcohol is amazing stuff. (I’ll pause here for effect).
Alcohol is amazing because it prevents things from freezing solid. It holds things right at ‘slushy,’ which is my favorite place to be held. The way it works is super scientific technical stuff that I will spare you from (or maybe I’ll make a video explaining it after 3 frozen vodka tonics..you never know). All I know is that you want this vodka tonic slush. If you’re a gin girl (I love you), use gin. The most important thing though: do not mess with the ratio of ingredients to this recipe. It’s a fine balance of water, sugar, and alcohol to reach the proper slushy consistency. And oh my god if you use diet tonic, I’ll cry. It won’t work, trust me. Sugar also plays a part in holding things at the slushy stage, but we already know how amazing sugar is because: this entire blog. Don’t increase or decrease the sugar, mmk?
Have you made a granita before? Did you make my coconut snow? Wasn’t it easy? Just stir, pour into a pan, and scrape with a fork every 30 minutes for 2.5 hours. If you need more alcoholic slushies in your life, try my mixed berry red wine slushies. Or, add rum to the coconut snow. Now we’re talkin’! Have a fun and safe weekend, friends!