Anytime I slide a giant pan of vegetables into the oven to roast, I feel like I’m winning at life. If I can cover the vegetables in layers of cheese and pasta, well, then I feel like I should start working on a killer award acceptance speech. Does vegetable lasagna make you as happy as it makes me? I used a standard-sized bread loaf pan to make two generous servings of lasagna for two. I love a giant pan of lasagna, but sometimes, by the 4th day of leftovers, I find myself grumbling and saying less-than-kind things to the pan in the fridge. I’m not the best at wrapping and freezing extra portions (I won’t even tell you what strange leftover I found at the bottom of my freezer the other day), so perfectly portioned lasagna for two suits me better.
Vegetable Lasagna for Two:
I also love that since I’m the only goat cheese lover in this house, I can make a loaf pan for me, and another pan for my husband without goat cheese. I substitute gouda for him. Really, use your favorite veggies and cheese. You can customize this recipe to your heart’s content. I love it when that happens.
For the vegetable layer, I used vegetables that have a tendency to get sweeter and more intense in the oven: zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower and red bell pepper. If other vegetables speak to you more, please, use them! I’m imagining a broccolini-portobello version next. And I would love to find a way to work in roasted potatoes, because hello, double carbs! I think the mushrooms are essential for their meatiness, but if you’re not a fan, eggplant is great, too. This time of year, cauliflower makes its way into almost everything in my kitchen. If you’re looking for something to do with the rest of the head, you shouldn’t miss my crispy cauli ’n kale from last week.
Don’t be daunted by the amount of vegetables on the pan; they shrink quite a bit after roasting. But, look at you eating all those vegetables! Health looks good on you. I’ll be sure to tell your Mom. While the veggies roast, make a quick bechemel, crumble the goat cheese, and grab the box of no-boil lasagna noodles. Oh, don’t forget the sun-dried tomatoes! I’ve been eating them like chips lately. I’m not quite sure what it is with me and red foods, but I can’t get enough! Pour two glasses of wine, and you’re all set for date night with this Vegetable Lasagna for Two.