There’s, like, a million food holidays to celebrate. Well, probably only 365 of ’em, but still. Every time I log into twitter, I see another food holiday hashtag trending. #nationalswedishmeatballsnotfromikeaday! Or, #nationaldumplingsdaybutnotthepuffyonestheflatones. Enough, I say. I’m only celebrating one national food holiday, and that’s Pie Day. Er, I mean Pi Day. Today is Pi Day! It’s March 14, the moniker for 3.14, as in the circumference of a circle in a math equation. Are you with me? Did you hate math as much as I did? We’re celebrating pies today with this beauty of a pie. I made this strawberry yogurt mascarpone pie last year when the strawberries were so very good. You could smell them when you walked in the market. The strawberries are just starting to creep in. The organic ones still cost more than my purse, but the conventional ones from Arizona are here. And so, we envelop them with creamy mascarpone and Greek yogurt, smush them in a cookie crust, and call it a day.

I like this pie cold, I like this pie frozen. I like this pie in a car, or on a plane. (Camille and I are going through a Dr. Seuss phase). The pie plate you see pictured is a little vintage one that is 6" across. It’s the perfect size pie for two people. You each get 2 mini slices of pie. Mini slices of pie happen to have an excellent filling-to-crust ratio. I’m just sayin’–there’s more to this dessert for two thing than small serving sizes. You get a smaller pant size (leftover dessert = calories!) and better slices of pie with extra crust!


*If serving pie frozen, don’t add the strawberries on top until serving.

Strawberry Yogurt Pie Recipe for Two   Dessert for Two - 12Strawberry Yogurt Pie Recipe for Two   Dessert for Two - 2Strawberry Yogurt Pie Recipe for Two   Dessert for Two - 2Strawberry Yogurt Pie Recipe for Two   Dessert for Two - 31Strawberry Yogurt Pie Recipe for Two   Dessert for Two - 55