You’d be wise to assume that my house is swimming in desserts. I’ve always got a few laying around. So, every now and then, I go on a mission to give away all the desserts. And before I make a new dessert, I often find a victim to give it away to before the oven is even preheated. It keeps me accountable. It also keeps the calories in check. I find my victim and commit to them via the almighty and ever-binding text message that I will deliver a dessert to their house by 5pm. But sometimes, I mess up. Sometimes I taste-test something and then discover that I don’t want to give it away. It’s so good. Too good. That’s how I felt with my honey shortbread. I stole one cookie out of the batch for taste-testing, and it wasn’t enough. I was blown away by their deep, toasty flavor that reminded me of graham crackers. But, I made a commitment. I (reluctantly) passed them off. I haven’t stopped thinking about them. I wanted another batch. I needed another batch. But I also wanted to give you a variation on the recipe so you can make and enjoy both. I halved the recipe to make 12 shortbread bites. And then I did what every human being is doing right now, and filled my grocery cart with strawberries because Spring is finally here!
So, what we’re working with here is a shortbread cookie, a dollop of whipped cream, a few bites of strawberry and a gratuitous sprinkling of lemon zest on top. Don’t give these away. Not even one.