I have it down to a science when it comes to choosing the egg yolk or the egg white. Recipes on this site are divided by egg yolk only and egg white only. If you’re only going to use part of an egg, you can go to the handy guide to find a recipe to use the rest of the egg. Two desserts from one egg is great, right? Having leftover egg parts when baking can be a little stressful. If I’m baking a small batch of cookies, I usually choose the egg yolk. Egg yolks are fatty and rich, and give a cookie chew and oomph (and oomph tastes very good, if you didn’t know). However, when it comes to cakes, I usually opt for the egg white. An egg white is roughly 2 tablespoons of protein that binds a cake together (like glue!) while also providing moisture and lift. I decided to try my hand at using packaged egg whites, because I can’t deny the convenience! I grabbed a carton of AllWhites® 100% liquid egg whites for this recipe. I’ve seen them in just about every grocery store around the country, so I’m 99% sure you can find them, too! They’re   made of 100% real liquid egg whites, and they’re rich in protein, have no cholesterol or fat, and have half the calories of traditional whole eggs. I mean, we’re making cake here, so if we can get a small break on the calories, let’s take it, ok? This recipe is similar to my small funfetti cakes for two, but I used 3 tablespoons of egg whites instead of the partial egg. It worked perfectly. I also swapped baking soda for baking powder, and I love how much these cakes rose and made a perfect dome on top. Each cake has one fat strawberry, finely diced. When the cake bakes in the oven, the berry bits reduce to jammy bits of perfection. Oh, strawberry cake for two. How I love you. I always put a dusting of cinnamon in the batter, because my Mom made strawberry bread with cinnamon when I was growing up, and it tastes like home to me. You can leave it out—your call. I made a simple cream glaze for these cakes, because there’s nothing like strawberries and cream, but if you’re looking for more strawberry flavor, you can mash strawberries with a fork and stir it into the powdered sugar. If you’re looking for more small cakes for two made in ramekins, can I suggest chocolate cakes in ramekins, lemon cakes for two, or funfetti cakes for two? SaveSave SaveSave

Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 93Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 35Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 51Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 52Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 9Strawberry Cake for Two in ramekins   Dessert for Two - 74