So it hit me as I was making these that I just don’t make cupcakes enough. Cupcakes are so fun! They’re less stressful than making a giant 2 or 3 or 4 layer cake, and a simple swirl of frosting is all they need. Nutella frosting, preferably. This cupcake recipe is courtesy of my friend Lindsay Conchar’s cookbook Simply Beautiful Homemade Cakes, and — you guys — I want to make everything immediately and then devour it. It was so hard to pick something to make for you, but I am a big coffee lover (as long as it’s sweet enough, so a mocha dessert is right up my alley!), and Nutella??! Well that’s a no-brainer. Also, I know that a dessert with coffee in it is absolutely adults-only here, so no sharing! That’s a big plus here 😉 Although you might be surprised how little sugar and baking my kids get to eat. Yesterday my 4 year old told me that we shouldn’t go trick-or-treating on Halloween because we get treats and we don’t need treats because they’re not healthy for us. (I promise she is my child!) So obviously I’m really good at talking the talk, but I don’t quite walk the walk when they’re not looking, because CUPCAKES. If you love baking, you need this cookbook! It has so many fun variations that I’ve never seen before, and I am going to love trying out more and more in the future! *Note: the recipe below is from Lindsay’s cookbook — I made a couple changes when I was making them and I’ve included those in the notes. Nothing major! Just the lazy girl in me coming out 😉 See what other friends are making on social media by checking out the #simplybeautifulhomemadecakes hashtag! Excerpted from Simply Beautiful Homemade Cakes: Extraordinary Recipes and Easy Decorating Techniques by Lindsay Conchar. Copyright © 2016. Reprinted with permission from Page Street Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Create an account easily save your favorite content, so you never forget a recipe again. Register Now Tag @thereciperebel or hashtag #thereciperebel — I love to see what you’re making!