I love breakfast. And I love eggs. We have actually tossed around the idea of getting some chickens for eggs, just because we love them so much. I am totally game as long as I don’t have to be responsible for actually dealing with the chickens. Or chicken poop. Growing up, people always assumed that since I didn’t live in town, I lived on a farm. I always had to explain to people that we had a dog and a cat, but I didn’t actually live on a farm. We just live in a house that’s outside of town. It was pretty mind-blowing. We just moved back out of town a year ago, and, I have to say, I really like it. I’m kind of a hermit. I just like my space, you know? I want to look out my window and not see random strangers looking back at me. I can eat breakfasty foods all day long. My husband and I don’t agree on everything, but we kind of love all the same foods, and it’s pretty fantastic. When I run an idea by him, he’s usually right on board. And we are both lovers of the all-day breakfast. There are so many reasons to love these little quiche. (A) They’re low calorie and individually portioned. (B) Eggs = protein = energy (and, hello, I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old). (C) Cheese. *The brand of breakfast sausage you use is obviously going to affect the calorie count, but all turkey sausages will be pretty low calorie. You can also change up the veggies and include whatever you like. *This recipe republished and photos updated from January 26, 2015. Create an account easily save your favorite content, so you never forget a recipe again. Register Now Tag @thereciperebel or hashtag #thereciperebel — I love to see what you’re making!