Mini tarts, mini tarts! Nothing is as cute as mini tarts! (Sorry for yelling; these tarts excite me greatly)! If you don’t have dozens of little tart pans in your kitchen, do not worry—just use mason jar lids! Y’all loved my mason jar lid pies, so I know you’ll love these mason jar tarts. I want to be the girl that brings mini tarts wherever she goes. I want a purse full of mini mason jar pies and tarts just like these. Let’s say you flub up parking in the city and you accidentally block someone in. Hand them a mini tart, and all is forgiven. How about another not-so-fictional situation: you accidentally lock you and your husband out of the house when it’s 34 degrees outside. Hand him a tart quickly! However,the tart is probably in your purse which is probably locked inside that same house. Yup. But we’re not going to dwell. We’re going to move passed this.
You can use any type of chocolate for these tarts, just follow the ratio of ingredients: 1 cup of chocolate chips per two tarts. Scale it up to feed a crowd, or keep it simple and just serve two. I swirled the white chocolate with seedless raspberry jam, but you could use anything your little heart desires. Hint: the way to make the heart shapes is to put one drop of jam on the surface. Let it set for about 10 seconds, then drag a toothpick through the middle of the dot—viola! You could just swirl the toothpick around aimlessly for a less-than-perfect look. I’m currently living my life using the less-than-perfect look, so I’ll be the last to judge your messy tarts.
To answer your question: yes!—they pop out of the rings easily because there is a decent amount of butter in the crust. To pop the tarts out, grip the mason jar ring with your fingers, and use your thumbs to gently push up. You may lose a few crumbs, but the crust should stay intact. I recommend a quick trip in the fridge to set the crust, but before serving, let the tarts return to room temperature.