My sweet little Camille was perfectly happy with plain yogurt and berries as dessert. Frozen bananas were her ice cream. Raisins were her candy. And then, well, potty training happened and I was desperate for a way to ‘up my game.’ My husband and I were in the middle of an out-of-state move, and I just couldn’t wash another load of diapers. (Yes, we cloth diapered, but you probably saw that coming). I searched for a sweet treat for her that would wow and amaze her (and by amaze, I mean BRIBE), and yet wouldn’t also make me cringe. I’m one of those Moms that deeply cares about what my kid eats. I stumbled upon Wholesome and Surf Sweets candy products and jelly beans made without synthetic colors (no red dye #40, thank you very much) or corn syrup. They’re made with organic pure cane sugar, and they’re peanut-free. Organic candy is what this Mom is all about! I’m happy to report that she was potty trained in one weekend, thanks to Surf Sweet Jelly Beans. However, now that she knows what real candy is, her Easter basket is going to look a lot different than last year when I filled it with freeze-dried fruit and nuts. (I realize how annoying of a Mom I sound, but I swear I drink the same amount of wine as you as soon as baby goes to bed).
Again, I reached for Wholesome and Surf Sweet candy to fill her Easter basket. I mixed in some toys (I am probably more obsessed with Shopkins Cutie Cars than she is), a sticker book, and a small puzzle that she can color. And while I know that the first thing she’ll go for is Surf Sweet jelly beans, it’s okay because I feel good about them in moderation.
I also mixed in some homemade fruit leathers made with 100% fruit that I just baked in the oven for a few hours. I pureed frozen fruit (defrosted for an hour on the counter), spread it on parchment paper, baked until it was no longer sticky, sliced into strips, and rolled it up. I made Camille homemade fruit leathers in mango and mixed berry flavors. I know she’ll prefer the Surf Sweets jelly beans, but it’s okay!
The basics of homemade fruit leathers:
So, tell me, am I being crazy obsessive about Easter candy with my toddler this year? Or, are you just as happy as me to have a better-for-you candy choice mixed with a few homemade items and toys?
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