I’m committed to making lattes at home. It’s not just because I think Starbucks employees shouldn’t have to see me first thing in the morning, or that I shouldn’t be trusted to drive that early. Or, even that I’m going to bring my crazy, barking dog in the car with me. While all of these things are true, I make lattes at home because I’m lazy.Also, my dog is a jerk to strangers. Baristas want to spit in the lattes of people like me. So, I will always make lattes at home. I love my pumpkin spice latte (with REAL pumpkin!), and my London Fog from a while ago still gets comments from other Fog lovers. This new addition to the family—the Gingerbread Latte? I deserve it. I keep reading about how healthy sugar is. Wait, molasses is healthy. The high-quality stuff. So, I feel like I should down a big spoonful every morning. And remember, we discussed that if you don’t consume spices in desserts this winter, you will freeze to death. So, a healthy dose of ground ginger and cinnamon are always welcome to the gingerbread latte party. It’s the ginger that keeps you warm! You would love my chocolate ginger cookies to stay warm, too! Yeah, making a from-scratch latte every morning takes a few minutes of your time. But I’ve found that in those quiet moments, while the dog is chomping on his food, and my husband is styling that gorgeous head of hair of his, I like doing something for myself. Brewing tea or coffee, stirring spices and streaming in molasses isn’t too hard, really. I’m half-asleep and blind in the morning, remember? I hope you’re enjoying gingerbread week here on Dessert for Two. Do you have any requests for gingerbread flavored things? Don’t forget that I have a recipe for a small batch of gingerbread (dubious photos included with philosophical post…help me!) made in one of those tiny loaf pans for two. I scaled it down from my Mom’s gingerbread recipe. She’s been making it for decades, and everyone loves it. Gingery kisses to you~  

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