Figgy Piggy Pizza! Piggy Figgy Pizza! Now that’s just fun to say! Remember my apple pie pizza recipe where I perfected a small batch of pizza dough made entirely in a measuring cup? I promised you a savory variation, and today I’m delivering. Well, sweet and savory. The figs are sweet, but the bacon and feta are anything but. You know this.
We all love bacon and dates together, but why have we not combined bacon with figs? I’m telling you: bacon + figs are the new hot couple in town. Feta cheese is the ex that keeps lingering around, but every couple needs that kind of drama. It keeps things spicy. Ooh! Red pepper flakes would be fabulous on this pizza right after you give it the final drizzle of bacon grease before serving. Just to make sure you’re paying attention: one TWO drizzles of bacon grease are on the menu today. TWO. I used dried Mission figs because they’re easy to find, but the minute fresh figs are ripe this summer, I’ll be piling them on top of this pizza. I’ll also grill the pizza instead of baking it. It’s a great easy appetizer for four. If you have any leftover, use them for my homemade fig newtons.
I had a slice of this figgy piggy pizza at the Pizza My Heart chain in California few years back. While I was working in Monterey, I would stop by the Whole Foods for endless bags of dried fruit to get me through lettuce harvest, and then walk over to Pizza My Heart for a slice. They didn’t always have figgy piggy, but when they did, my little heart went pitter-pat. And now it’s time for your heart to go pitter-pat: