I’m thinking December is a busy month for you. Am I right? You’re probably hunting for gifts for everyone on your list, planning your holiday meals, making travel arrangements for family, buying and selling a house and moving in 30 days, etc. Wait, is that just me on the last part? Yeah. We had a whirlwind of a trip to St Louis a few weeks ago where we looked at 64 houses in 13 different areas in 4 days…and oh, bought a house on that last day. Everyone involved is shocked that we made a decision so quickly, but for one, the Lanes know what they want when they see it. And two, I’m so incredibly lucky that my husband and I have the exact same taste. I took two steps into this gingerbread-style house that was built in the 1920s and fell in love. I didn’t even walk out on the front porch or look in the closets before declaring that I love it, it’s perfect, and want it to be mine. Just one hour later, and we are completely buried in paperwork.

Eggnog cookies made with cake mix:

So, if baking could be a little easier lately by using cake mixes, I’m all over that. But, I still only want mini desserts to serve two, so I divided up a yellow cake mix to give you a few desserts.  This week, I’ll be bringing you desserts for two using a cake mix! Are you as excited as I am?  Welcome to the cake mix chronicles! I did the math for you: each cake mix contains 3 cups of dry mix.   I bought Pillsbury Moist Supreme yellow cake mix to make these eggnog cookies. Any plain yellow cake mix will work, but don’t buy a cake mix that comes with pudding, fruit, or any other type of pouch to add to the mix.  Just plain.dry.yellow.cake.mix.  With me? First up: frosted eggnog cookies. You only need 1 cup of dry cake mix from the package. Save the rest of the cake mix for another recipe later this week. You’ll use the eggnog both in the cookies and in the delicious frosting recipe, too! Other cake mix recipes to use up the rest of the box: Cranberry Vanilla Dream Cake, Chocolate Cake Mix Waffles, and Chocolate Petit Fours.


Eggnog Cookies made with a cake mix   cake mix cookies - 5Eggnog Cookies made with a cake mix   cake mix cookies - 92Eggnog Cookies made with a cake mix   cake mix cookies - 83Eggnog Cookies made with a cake mix   cake mix cookies - 56Eggnog Cookies made with a cake mix   cake mix cookies - 76