Easy baking recipes, 35 simple recipes for baking with kids.
I have personally cooked all of these easy baking recipes with both of my kids. I brought my daughter into the kitchen when she was just 6 months old. At first, she just sat on the counter (safely) and watched me work while I explained to her everything I was doing. Slowly, she started to reach for the shiny whisk. At first, the whisk went in her mouth, but then she began to want to stir the dry ingredients with me! Fast forward 5 years, and my daughter loves being in the kitchen. She has her own kid-safe knives, and she helps make dinner each night. I trust her with measuring, stirring wet and dry ingredients, cracking eggs, and even slicing soft fruit or vegetables. Her favorite thing to chop is lettuce, and her favorite thing to stir is the dry ingredients for my small batch chocolate chip cookies. While my son is just barely sitting up, he is joining us in the kitchen, too! So far, he likes to hold the whisk and lick the silicone pastry brush. Don’t worry, he doesn’t touch our food, hah! Her likes to hear dry beans being poured into a metal bowl and watch oil pour slowly from a measuring cup.
Cooking and baking with kids:
The list of easy baking recipes for cooking with kids below are great for getting kids into the kitchen. All of my recipes are for small batches of food, because I’ve found that small batch baking with kids is so much easier. It’s less ingredients to measure, and less ingredients wasted if something flops. Kids get the immediate satisfaction of baking a small batch of sugar cookies rather than waiting hours for the dough to chill and for Mom to scoop out 48+ dough balls and bake. Have you noticed that after the first cookie is done, the kids wander out of the kitchen? Don’t be left with the remaining work, bake small batch recipes with kids! One final tip: sometimes, it’s helpful to give younger kids their own bowl of ingredients with which to play. If I’m making my small batch oatmeal cookies, sometimes my daughter is just happily stirring a bowl of oats alongside me. During clean up, those oats go right back into the container.
Tools for baking with kids:
A few tools you’ll need for baking with kids: a small whisk, a small rolling pin, and large bowls to contain ingredients. Kids love to use these kid knives for slicing butter, and these silicone mats ensure cookies don’t stick to the pan. A fun thing for cooking with kids is this safe kitchen tower that lets them be high enough to work but also safe enough to not fall off. If you make any of these recipes with your kids, send me a photo on instagram. I would love to see it!